Step-by-Step Guide: Installing DirectAdmin on Your Own Server

DirectAdmin is a widely acclaimed web hosting control panel known for its affordability, security, and user-friendly features. If you have your own server, installing DirectAdmin empowers you with greater control over your website and hosting environment. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to install DirectAdmin on your server, covering the following steps:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installing DirectAdmin
  3. Configuring DirectAdmin
  4. Securing DirectAdmin

Let’s dive in!


Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

  1. A server with a Linux operating system.
  2. A registered domain name.
  3. A web hosting account.
  4. A root user account with sudo privileges.

Installing DirectAdmin:

To install DirectAdmin on your server, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your server as the root user.
  2. Create a directory to store the DirectAdmin installation files.
  3. Download the DirectAdmin installation file from the official website.
  4. Unzip the DirectAdmin installation file in the directory you created.
  5. Execute the installation script provided.

The installation script will guide you through the installation process, ensuring a smooth setup.

Configuring DirectAdmin:

After successfully installing DirectAdmin, you need to configure it to suit your needs. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to DirectAdmin using your server’s IP address or domain name.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration section within the control panel.
  3. Enter your domain name and provide necessary email information.
  4. Create FTP accounts for your users to facilitate file transfers.

By configuring DirectAdmin, you’ll be able to personalize your website management experience.

Securing DirectAdmin:

To enhance the security of your DirectAdmin installation, follow these steps:

  1. Change the default password for the DirectAdmin admin account immediately.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for the DirectAdmin admin account to add an extra layer of security.
  3. Install a firewall on your server to protect against unauthorized access.
  4. Regularly update DirectAdmin to ensure you have the latest security patches and bug fixes.

Securing DirectAdmin is crucial to safeguard your website and maintain a secure hosting environment.

By installing DirectAdmin on your own server, you gain full control over your website and hosting environment. The installation process, as outlined in this guide, is straightforward and can be completed in a few steps. By following these instructions, you’ll be able to successfully install DirectAdmin and efficiently manage your website with ease.

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