Behind the Scenes: Exploring AbanteCart’s Admin Dashboard

The success of your online store depends on efficient management and control, and AbanteCart’s admin dashboard serves as the nerve center for overseeing every aspect of your e-commerce business. In this guide, we’ll take you on a tour of AbanteCart’s admin dashboard, revealing its powerful features and how they empower you to run your store effectively.

1. Dashboard Overview

Upon logging in, you’ll be greeted by the dashboard’s overview. This provides a snapshot of your store’s performance, including total orders, revenue, and recent activities.

2. Products and Categories

Manage your product catalog with ease. Add, edit, and organize products into categories. You can set prices, inventory levels, images, and detailed descriptions.

3. Orders and Customers

Monitor and process orders seamlessly. View customer information, order statuses, and order details. You can also manage returns, refunds, and track customer interactions.

4. Coupons and Discounts

Create and manage promotional campaigns with coupons and discounts. Set percentage or fixed discounts, define validity periods, and apply them to specific products or categories.

5. Shipping and Taxes

Configure shipping methods and rates to suit your business needs. Set up different shipping zones and options, and configure tax rates based on regions.

6. Payment Gateways

Integrate various payment gateways to provide multiple payment options for your customers. AbanteCart supports a range of popular payment providers.

7. Extensions Marketplace

Explore the extensions marketplace to enhance your store’s functionality. Discover SEO tools, analytics, social media integrations, and other extensions to improve your store’s performance.

8. Themes and Layouts

Customize your store’s appearance with different themes and layouts. Choose from a variety of options to create a unique and visually appealing storefront.

9. Reports and Analytics

Access detailed reports and analytics to gain insights into your store’s performance. Monitor sales trends, customer behavior, and other key metrics to make informed decisions.

10. Marketing Tools

Utilize marketing tools to engage customers. Set up banners, create newsletter campaigns, and manage affiliates to promote your products effectively.

11. System Settings

Configure the foundational settings of your store. This includes general store information, currencies, languages, and other critical configurations.

12. Security and Access Control

Maintain security by managing user roles and access permissions. Control who can access and modify different sections of the admin dashboard.

13. Data Backup and Restore

Protect your data by regularly creating backups. AbanteCart allows you to schedule automatic backups and restore your store to a previous state if needed.

14. Customer Support

Provide excellent customer support by managing inquiries and interactions. Respond to customer messages and provide assistance directly from the admin dashboard.


AbanteCart’s admin dashboard offers a comprehensive toolkit to manage, grow, and optimize your online store. Whether you’re managing products, processing orders, analyzing data, or setting up marketing campaigns, the admin dashboard empowers you to make informed decisions and deliver a top-notch shopping experience to your customers. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, AbanteCart’s admin dashboard is your command center for building and running a successful e-commerce business.

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